About reginaldcalhoun

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So far reginaldcalhoun has created 10 blog entries.

Jane Kim: My November 2019 Endorsements

October 28, 2019|

Jane Kim: My November 2019 Endorsements It's time to vote. And you can now vote in person, seven days a week, at San Francisco City Hall! There is voter assistance in English, Chinese, Spanish, Tagalog and ballots available in [...]

    Jane Kim – No Filter, It’s Oppo Dump Time

    May 5, 2018|

    Jane Kim - No Filter It’s oppo dump time. If you aren’t familiar with the term, it’s what happens when a rival campaign collects opposition research and dumps it into the hands of a journalist eager [...]

    Housing that Works for San Franciscans

    May 1, 2018|

    Housing that Works for San Franciscans Jane Kim has been a champion for affordable housing creation throughout her time as a Supervisor. In fact, her district has supported more housing development –and more affordable housing [...]

    Jane Kim – Opening the Doors of Opportunity

    April 30, 2018|

    Jane Kim – Opening the Doors of Opportunity Jane Kim has been a proponent of stronger schools and opportunity for years. And she has the strongest record of advocating – and winning – for students of [...]

    Release – Jane Kim on SB827

    April 16, 2018|

    In advance of Tuesday’s vote on controversial SB 827, Jane Kim releases new video: “This Is Our City – We Need To Shape It” Jane Kim knows that we must build more housing – but [...]

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    Healing Our Homeless Crisis

    April 5, 2018|

    Healing Our Homeless Crisis In a prosperous nation, state and city, no human being should be forced to live on the street. Unfortunately that is the reality for thousands of people in our city. We [...]