Every year I’ve served in this office, we have sent an end-of-year letter looking back at the work we’ve done together. As my time on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors comes to a close, I want to look back at our eight years, and all our work we’ve done together to increase opportunity and equity—work that will shape our district and our City for countless years to come.
When I say we did this work together, I mean it. When someone runs for office, it isn’t about who gets to sit behind the desk. It’s about the team and community they bring in with them. For my two terms on the Board of Supervisors, I’ve had a seat at this table, and the pleasure of bringing so many of you to the table with me. And for the last eight years, we’ve made our voices heard and we have won.
We made City College free (and yes, San Francisco is still the only city in the nation to make community college tuition free!). We passed the strongest $15 minimum wage. We created the strongest tenant protections in the country. We set a new standard for affordable housing, and built more affordable housing than any other city legislator. We did this together. I never walked into a negotiation room by myself. I did not draft policy by myself. We organized, brainstormed and worked together.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve my City by electing me to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to represent District 6, the most dynamic and diverse part of our City. It is indescribable to explain the joy I feel being able to live my values and principles every day in the murky world of politics. Each year has grown the community of people I have had the fortune to work with who care so deeply for our neighborhood or community and love our City. Thank you for supporting me in this work by embodying persistence and patience. We talk a lot about #resistance, but it is persistence, the refusal to stop believing, which grows my faith and hope. Thank you for this gift.
This recap isn’t exhaustive, but covers the highlights. And as we look back, know that I’m always looking forward.

During my first year in office, we:
Worked to revitalize the Mid-Market Corridor, and fought to ensure the tax exclusion for companies entering the area would include Community Benefits Agreements to reflect the needs of the neighborhood.
Passed the Treasure Island Plan guaranteeing 2,200 units of affordable housing.
Permitted alcohol sales for bowling alleys and single screen movie theaters within the Mission to help small businesses grow and entertainment options flourish.
Invested in parks and public spaces, including securing $1.7 million of the city’s general fund and raising $3.3M in private funds for the complete renovation of Boeddeker Park, also known as “Prison Park” in the Tenderloin at the time, improving Victoria Manalo Draves Park in SoMa, opening the Rincon Hill Dog Park and crafting proposals for SOMA West Skatepark and a 17th & Folsom Park.
Focused on pedestrian safety, convening the first ever D6 Pedestrian Safety Working Group with SoMa and Tenderloin resident leaders, creating the first 15mph school zones in the nation, reducing the speed limit on Howard St, and securing funding for the crosswalk at Bessie Carmichael Elementary School.

Authored the SF Civil Rights Ordinance, making San Francisco only the second city in the country to safeguard local and state privacy laws and mandate civilian oversight of the Joint Terrorism Task Force’s activities.
San Francisco passed the City’s first-ever two-year budget, and our office worked to give nonprofit workers a 2% raise, increase funding for public schools, and ensure the City backfilled federal cuts to AIDS and HIV services, homeless and eviction prevention services and increase workforce development funding for youth of color.
Passed the Transit Center District Plan, a major undertaking to re-envision the 1985 Downtown Plan and generate new revenue for the City’s Transbay Terminal as construction began.
Established the D6 Open Space Acquisition Task Force as residential development accelerated in our District to provide activated parks and open space for a growing population, finalized leases for the SoMa West Skate and Dog Parks, and hosted three well-attended community meetings for a major pedestrian and bike re-design of 2nd Street from Market to King Street, connecting downtown to a growing residential neighborhood and the Giants Stadium.
Continued improving pedestrian safety – reduced speed limits in some of our most dangerous corridors, including parts of Harrison, Bryant, Folsom Streets; cut the ribbon on a new traffic signal, crosswalk and bulb-out in front of Victoria Manalo Draves Park, SoMa’s only multi-use park and elementary school; increased pedestrian signal timing on King St; secured crossing guards and additional pedestrian safety funding for Bessie Carmichael Elementary School.

Passed the Western SoMa Plan, my office’s second major development area plan and celebrated the opening of the 6th Street Police Sub-Station and additional foot beat officers for Mid-Market and 6th Street.
Passed smart reforms to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to make this important tool more accessible and transparent, while expediting public projects such as pedestrian and bike lane improvements or 100% affordable housing.
Kicked off the Healthy Cornerstore Campaign in the Tenderloin to convert liquor stores to healthy grocery stores, secured a major community benefits package for the Tenderloin through the CPMC Hospital development which included funding 97 new street lights, pedestrian safety improvements and funding for community-led Tenderloin Safe Passage for our youth and families after-school.
Secured funds for a new Transitional Age Youth (TAY) affordable housing project at 5th Street and Harrison, and the City’s first-ever pedestrian safety pilot on 6th Street, home to the highest pedestrian collision numbers in the City, and kick started construction of SoMa’s first protected bike lane on Folsom Street.
Convened hearings on the San Francisco’s Pedestrian Safety Strategy, Tech Workforce Opportunities, and Non-Profit Displacement in San Francisco.

Successfully negotiated the most progressive and robust minimum wage increase in the country and placed measure on ballot. The #FightFor15 (Prop J) won over 76% of the vote, and has impacted over 100,000 of our lowest-paid workers.
Banned the box by passing the Fair Chance Act, which prohibits all employers and housing providers from requiring individuals to disclose prior convictions within a 7 year timeframe, instead allowing applicants a fair chance at housing and employment based on an initial interview.
Called for a Citywide Vision Zero Policy with Supervisors Yee and Avalos to reduce traffic fatalities to zero in ten years through increased enforcement, engineering and education. We also won approvals for daylighting every intersection in the Tenderloin with the first neighborhood-wide pedestrian safety project in the City, pushed for a Rincon Hill transit study, and piloted a “Don’t Block the Box” enforcement campaign in SoMa which garnered a 57% overall reduction in intersection gridlock.
Launched the FIRST Pit Stop Program in the Tenderloin with three monitored, portable public toilets responding to human feces complaints resulting in a 60% reduction in steam cleaning requests in the neighborhood and saving 2,640 gallons of water a month.
Secured full-time nurses at all adult homeless shelters in the City and a $250K planning grant to develop a 24 hour medical respite shelter for those struggling on our streets with physical and mental health issues.
Fought the largest scale eviction since the I-Hotel with 1049 Market residents, welcomed 60 households into permanently affordable housing at 474 Natoma, won $85,000 in funding for housing counseling and outreach, rallied with the tenants of 741 Ellis Street against evictions, and called for two hearings to develop a “common application” for affordable, below market rate (BMR) apartments and to fix broken elevators in our Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels.
Sponsored the reauthorization of the Public Education Enrichment Fund (PEEF), over $70M in general funds, to support our public schools by ensuring funding for art teachers, librarians, physical education, health & wellness centers and college counselors.
Secured $400,000 from the SoMa Stabilization Fund to help purchase the United Playaz Clubhouse.
Dedicated the 100 block of Turk Street to the Tenderloin performer and activist, Vicki Marlane, and renamed the Civic Center alleyway formerly known as Lech Walesa in honor of Dr. Tom Waddell, the co-founder of the Gay Games and former medical director of our health clinic.


Negotiated an unprecedented 40% affordable housing requirement in two major developments – 5M and Mission Rock – that set a new standard across the City.
Passed Eviction Protections 2.0, the strongest tenant protections in the country, which strengthened the Rent Ordinance and closed glaring landlord loopholes to keep tenants in their homes.
Authored the Housing Balance legislation requiring the City to publish an annual report on the City’s affordable and market rate housing production and loss of rent-controlled units due to evictions and conversions.
Introduced the Surplus Public Lands ballot measure to direct the City to prioritize affordable housing and homeless housing development on underutilized and surplus public lands.
Made our Pit Stops permanent in the Tenderloin and expanded to SoMa, Mission and Castro creating a model which was replicated in Miami, Los Angeles, and Honolulu.
Introduced the SoMa Pilipinas – Filipino Cultural Heritage District. Over 7 years in the works, the legislation called for a year-long planning process to establish and celebrate the Filipino community and its cultural assets in the SoMa neighborhood.
Introduced legislation to establish the Safer Schools Sexual Assault Task Force, and introduced the Fair Sharing Economy package, to ensure that those who profit from changing San Francisco also pay to protect it.

Made City College tuition-free for San Francisco residents by authoring Prop W – a modest increase to the transfer tax for luxury real estate sales over $5M, that passed with 62% of the vote – and negotiating with Mayor Lee to appropriate funding for the first two years of #FreeCity.
Introduced legislation to more than double the affordable housing requirement on new developments and mandate middle income housing as well. The new standard gained national attention as no other city in the country comes close to requiring 25% affordable and middle income housing.
Spoke at Women’s March San Francisco in defense of immigrants, the TLGBQI community, communities of color, Muslims, working people, people living with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, people living in public housing and those who have healthcare through the Affordable Care Act.
Worked closely with the Budget Justice Coalition to advocate and secure needed funding for tenant services, STEM programs for youth, LGBTQ programs, the Pit Stop expansion, nonprofits facing eviction, funds for fire victims and much more.
Introduced Proposition X onto the November ballot, which requires developers of new projects in the South of Market area and Mission District to partially or fully replace spaces currently occupied by artists and workers.
Proposed a deal with MTA to lower the price to retrieve towed vehicles, and co-sponsored legislation to increase protections for SRO tenants.
Called for a California State of Emergency to bring new resources to address the homelessness crisis, and welcomed two Navigation Centers, more than any other district in the City.

Launched Free City with a 51% increase in enrollment of San Francisco residents, and invited Senator Bernie Sanders to join our Fall launch.
Passed legislation to create Compton’s Transgender, Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (TLGB) Cultural District, the first legally recognized transgender district in the world.
Authored legislation urging the San Francisco Employees Retirement System Board, which manages the City’s $21 billion pension fund, to vote down excessive CEO compensation packages.
Negotiated consensus legislation which sets the highest affordable and middle class housing requirements for market rate developers in the nation, and worked to ensure that even more affordable housing will be built in our most vulnerable neighborhoods.
Resisted Trump locally with resolutions affirming San Francisco’s commitment to protect and maintain access to universal reproductive, family planning and sexual health services; limiting state and local law enforcement’s entanglement with federal immigration enforcement; and urging the Office of the Treasurer/Tax Collector to screen investments for funding to the Dakota Access Pipeline – and an ordinance prohibiting the City from assisting or supporting any government program requiring the registration of individuals on the basis of religion, national origin or ethnicity.


There are so many ways a campaign can win. This year started with a whirlwind run for Mayor, and while we didn’t get the result we hoped for, it’s hard not to feel victorious. We passed Proposition C in June, a measure I co-authored with Supervisor Norman Yee, to make childcare affordable for ALL San Francisco families. The $140M+ revenue measure is the single largest investment any city has made to early childcare and education.
While full implementation of Prop C is delayed by litigation, we passed tax incentives for office buildings which tenant childcare facilities for our residents and workers, which will go into effect in the new year to encourage developers to expand childcare options across the City.
As climate change becomes more urgent and our streets become more congested, we made San Francisco the largest city in the county to eliminate required parking minimums.
We passed the Central SoMA Plan, the largest and most comprehensive area plan in the City’s history, which will create 8,800 units of housing – 33% of it affordable – and 32,000 jobs.
And in my final vote on the Board of Supervisors, and one of the most meaningful, we put a charter amendment on the ballot to fully fund Free City College for the next decade. With your support in November 2019, our City’s only life-long learning institution will be well-supported for years to come.

Looking Ahead

While my time on the Board is at its end, our work isn’t. There’s so much more to fight for, and I intend to be part of that fight with you.
With Gratitute,
Jane Kim and Team
April Veneracion Ang, Sunny Angulo, Ivy Lee, Bobbi Lopez
Matthias Mormino, Noelle Duong, Davi Lang, Kitty Fong, Jon Jacobo, Danny Yadegar, Mose Corrette, Claire Lau & Edward Wright